I’m passionate about nurturing and empowering women to feel at home in their hearts and bodies, I want women to take time for themselves and honour their needs, to remember their innate worth, their inner strength, to feel joy in their lives again.

I’m Janet Cross and I spent many years feeling inadequate in most areas of my life. After dedicating years to bringing up a family I really didn’t know who I was anymore. Often feeling anxious and fragile. Being a slave to the emotional rollercoaster of changing hormones. Hating my ever increasing body and feeling let down by it, while on the outside I was smiling and could be the life of the party.


Finding Dru yoga brought me back to myself. Becoming a registered Dru yoga and Dru meditation teacher has been such a gift. I now feel more balanced in my body and mind, enjoying an ease rather than the tightness anxiety brings. I put myself up the priority list and feel the empowerment this brings. I feel genuine joy in my heart again.


In this journey of life, we experience both happy times and challenges times. However with the tools I’ve gained and share, I’ve learnt to ride through the challenges, absorb the lesson’s within them and return to my calm centre again.


I feel all women deserve to feel this peace in their lives. I have loved sharing this with my local students for over 10 years. I now feel drawn to share more widely. I believe the world really needs more strong, empowered women, standing in their light. This is why I’m offering this online platform to nurture you into your wholeness.