New Harmony Yoga NZ Limited 

Privacy Policy

Definitions and Abbreviations:

Personal Information is as defined in section 7 of the Privacy Act 2020 as “information about an identifiable individual”. “The Policy” refers to this Privacy Policy for New Harmony Yoga NZ Limited. New Harmony Yoga NZ Limited shall be referred to throughout the Policy as “NHY”. “The Act” refers to the New Zealand Privacy Act 2020.

Policy Statement:

NHY respects and protects the privacy of anyone they are involved with and are bound by the New Zealand Privacy Act 2020 which requires NHY to comply with the Information Privacy Principles set out in section 22 of the Act. The Policy sets out guidelines to assist NHY and its employees comply with the Act and the Information Privacy Principles in relation to the collection, storage, use, protection and disclosure of records containing an individual’s personal information.

Collecting Personal Information:

NHY may collect personal information for a lawful purpose, necessary to the purpose(s) for which the information is to be used and connected with a function or activity of NHY. The information collected by NHY varies depending on the purpose for which NHY is collecting the information and may include your name, address, contact details, credit and financial information, and information about your use of the NHY’s services. The information will only be collected:

a)      From you directly when you provide it to us through the phone, email, electronic form, other documents or in person; and/or

b)      From NHY’s own records of business such as (but not restricted to) previous interactions with NHY and payment history.

Using Personal Information:

Your personal information will only be used to:

a)      Respond to an enquiry by you or to arrange the delivery of services you require;

b)      Administer and manage transactions – including charging, billing and collecting debts;

c)      To improve our services and cater it to your health requirements; and

d)      Meet legal or regulatory requirements.

Information Disclosure:

In line with many New Zealand organisations, NHY obtains some routine services from external service providers, and your information may be provided to them on a confidential basis. These disclosures may be for a range of purposes such as:

a)      Mailing systems;

b)      Information technology services;

c)      Market research; and

d)      Billing and debt recovery services.

Details may also be disclosed to credit reporting agencies, fraud checking facilities and the company’s professional advisers such as Lawyers and Accountants.

Health Questionnaire:

Personal information provided by prospective clients will only be used for the purposes of the providing the best services for our clients. Any information provided will be securely stored and only accessed by relevant employees. For clients who no longer wish to continue with us, the personal information will either be destroyed immediately or securely stored for a period of up to three (3) months. During that time, it will not be used for any other purpose than improving our services.

Information Security:

NHY will take reasonable steps to protect the personal information it holds from misuse and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. NHY will take reasonable steps to destroy, or permanently de-identify, personal information once it is no longer required.


Where NHY holds personal information in such a way that it can readily be retrieved, the individual concerned shall be entitled to obtain from NHY confirmation of whether or not NHY holds such personal information and to have access to that information.

Access and Correction:

If NHY holds personal information about an individual, it will comply with legislative obligations to provide the individual with access to the information on request by the individual. If NHY holds personal information about an individual and the individual is able to establish that the information is not accurate, complete and up-to-date, NHY will take reasonable steps to correct the information so that it is accurate, complete and up-to-date. NHY will provide reasons for denial of access or a refusal to correct personal information. Where NHY holds personal information but is unwilling to correct that information in accordance with a request by the individual concerned, NHY shall, if so requested by the individual concerned, take such steps (if any) as are reasonable in the circumstances to attach to the information (in such a manner that it will always be read with the information) any statement provided by that individual of the correction sought.

Notifiable Privacy Breaches:

NHY will notify the Privacy Commissioner and any affected individual(s) as soon as practicable after becoming aware that a notifiable privacy breach has occurred in a manner conforming to the requirements set out in section 117 of the Act, subject to any exceptions under section 116 of the Act. In the event that it is not reasonably practicable to notify an affected individual or each member of a group of affected individuals, NHY will instead give public notice of the privacy breach. Such public notice will be given in a form in which no affected individual is identified and in accordance with any regulations made under section 215(1)(a) of the Act.

Third Party Websites:

The Website may have links to third party websites which are not controlled or owned by NHY. All links to third party websites do not constitute sponsorship, endorsement or approval of these websites. NHY is not responsible the privacy practices of any other websites or companies.